meet dr.mel
Temperament Therapist
Relational Health & Friendship Expert
As a Relational Health Specialist, Friendship Expert and Temperament Therapist, Dr. Melanie Ross Mills helps us establish and maintain meaningful relationships with self, friends, family members, co-workers, groups, and communities which develop from our interactions and connections with others. She reminds us that cultivating a network that is founded on supportive, healthy relationships can help meet our basic needs for love, significance, and security.
As a burgeoning influencer and trusted voice, Dr. Mills has earned global acclaim, crowned with the extraordinary gift of connection. Her expertise naturally elicits formal esteem. However, it is the magnetism of “Dr. Mel,” that captivates the hearts of her followers. She uses insight and experience, equally paired with humor and authenticity to instigate authentic relational discussions that incite action.
Creator of the LIFE BONDS™ brand (Life Bonds book series, podcast, channel, and workshops), Dr. Melanie Ross Mills reminds us that life is about bonding in healthy, life-giving ways. She's been called "the heart doctor" as she seeks to engage the heart in all that she does.
Dr. Mel taught us that knowing the strengths of employees gives us insight into how they operate, and therefore, gives them insight on how to help them be successful.
Committee of Senior Business Administrators Event
Texas A&M Business Administrator
Event Chair
Dr. Mel, you did such a great job as our Relationship Expert, making Pay Back a Friend Day work! Your relationship advice is always spot on. Thank you!
Bank of America
Head of Creative
(Friends Again campaign ranked top 10 brands that nailed it on Twitter in 2017.)
Clinique has said nothing but great things and loves your Instagram posts and video. We’re so thankful to have partnered with her (for our product launch).
Coburn Communications
As our ‘go-to’ Relationship Expert, Dr. Melanie Ross Mills lends her insightful voice to hundreds of FOX News Radio stations nationwide. Her message promotes positive change for listeners.
Fox News
Crystal Berger
Melanie inspired us to overcome obstacles, face fears, and gain confidence to “go for it!”
Lincoln Experience Center
Head of Events
Dr. Mills talks about what it means to redefine work-life balance and to find your identity beyond the workplace.
Editor in Chief